Asian-Pacific Center of Educational for International Understanding
APCEIU will host a four-week webinar series on the theme of ‘Danish/Nordic Approach to Educating Global Citizens’ from 13 July to 4 August 2021.
This Webinar Series will introduce Danish/Nordic ways of teaching global citizenship, introducing the visions and principles of Danish/Nordic education, sharing the experiences of teachers and students of Denmark, presenting the approaches to foster democratic values through education, and discussing how assessment and evaluation can be made on the students’ learning on global citizenship and democracy.
The four presenters, including a senior teacher and coordinator of the global citizenship education programme at the high school, a researcher, an education expert, and a student will share their own experiences and perspectives as well as present the overall policies and practices on global citizenship education in Denmark and Nordic region. The whole series will be moderated by Mr Anders Schultz, Head of the global education programme at Rysensteen high school in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Through a variety of presentations, exploration, and discussion, speakers will motivate educators to incorporate the most practical and ideal features of the Nordic/Danish approach to global citizenship education into their educational systems and environments.
The webinar series will not only showcase the practice of Denmark but also invite participating educators in different parts of the world to have dialogue and exchange ideas with one another, and by doing so, they could inspire one another’s practices in teaching global citizenship in varied education environment and systems.